Monday, 7 October 2019

Unit 1: Research Tasks

Please document everything you find and also the source of the information. Your research should go onto your blog and every task should be labelled clearly. Please complete a separate post for each task and label them 'B. Units 1 & 2'.

Task 1: Business analysis tools

  • SWOT and PEST(EL) analyses - what are they and how can they be used?
  • PEST(EL) analysis - what current factors are impacting businesses and ventures in the UK?
  • What does / might Brexit mean for the creative industries? Start here.
  • Cultural policy - what is currently happening in the UK? Start here.
  • SWOT - conduct a personal SWOT analysis
Extension tasks:
  • Think about a logo for your creative enterprise - if you are drawing a blank (ha!) then Google some examples and identify what you like about them
  • Design a logo for your CE and gather feedback

Task 2: Types of business in the UK

Investigate and identify the various types of business in the UK, this should include:
  • sole traders
  • limited companies
  • partnerships
  • social enterprises
  • charities
  • unincorporated associations

Task 3: Business plans and models

Use the blog post for a starting point.
  • What is a business plan?
  • What is a business model?
  • What is meant by the term 'sustainable business model'?

Task 4: The brand

  • What is a mission statement?
  • What is brand positioning?
  • What, in business, is meant by values and drivers?
  • How can an individual, business or organisation market themselves?
  • In business, what is a blueprint and how would this relate to customers and marketing?
Extension task - find creative examples for each of the above.

Task 5: Legislation and the creative industries

This is potentially a huge area, so let's start with some specifics:
  • Intellectual Property
  • Copyright (creative pieces, i.e., written work, moving image work, music, etc.)
  • Trademarks
  • What are talent releases?
  • What are location releases?
  • What are the rules about a. filming and b. performing in public in the UK?
  • How might child labour laws impact the creative industries?
  • What is public liability insurance?
  • What is GDPR?
  • What is The Competition Act 1998 and the Enterprise Act 2002?

Task 6: The creative economy

Talk from Chamber of Commerce.

Compared to other sectors in the UK, how well are the creative industries doing?
  • What 'industries' make up the creative industries?
  • How many people are employed in the UK?
  • How much do the creative industries generate each year?
  • What is the growth of the creative industries (comparatively)?
Useful links:

Task 7: Regulatory frameworks

  • What is a regulatory body and what is a regulatory framework?
  • What is Ofcom, what does it do and what framework does it produce and follow?
  • What is the ASA, what does it do and what framework does it produce and follow?
  • What is the IPSO, what does it do and what framework does it produce and follow?
  • What is the BBFC, what does it do and what framework does it produce and follow?
  • What is PEGI, what does it do and what framework does it produce and follow?
  • What is the Creative Industries Council and what is their involvement with regulation?

Task 8: Other considerations for businesses

You may find a lot of information for some of the sections below. If so, tighten your search to focus mainly on the sector  / career you are interested in.
  • Finance - what sources of funding exist within the creative industries?
  • Insurance - what types of insurance exist for the creative industries?
  • Working from home - what are the considerations?
  • Business rates - what are they?
  • Geography, transport and accessibility - does it matter where a company / organisation is based? Does distance matter?
Useful links:

Task 9: Cultural policy

  • What is the DCMS and what do they do?
  • What are some of their more recent announcements?

Task 10: Your creative enterprise

  • apply all of the above tasks to your own creative venture.

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